Mean-tracking-error optimization, maximize your return in excess of a benchmark while minimizing tracking-error.


Maximize expected returns relative to a benchmark and minimize expected tracking-error. Solve for the mean-tracking-error optimal portfolio (MTO). This is a quadratic programming optimizer in active space. The function allow you to specify both linear and non-linear constraints and is able to account for friction penalties such as transaction costs across assets.


The following describes the function signature for use in Microsoft Excel's formula bar.

=MTO(mu, sigma, rho, aversion, wBenchmark, wInitial, tc, lb, ub, constraints, nonlincons)



The function returns a vector of optimal weights ww across NNassets and appends the corresponding optimization's exit flag.

output=[w1w2wNexitFlag]\text{output}=\begin{bmatrix}w_1 & w_2 & \ldots & w_N & \text{exitFlag}\end{bmatrix}

The output matrix follows the vector orientation of mu (column / row). If you have specified your inputs as column-vectors, the corresponding output matrix will be transpose of the above.


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